7 Quotes & Sayings By Owen Meredith

Owen Meredith is the author of the "New York Times" bestselling books, “The Chronicles of Nick Danger” series, which launched with “The Chronicles of Nick Danger Begins” in 1996. He is also the author of “The Chronicles of Nick Danger 2: The Maze of Bones,” the latest book in the series, which was released in February 2011. Meredith is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University with a degree in Computer Science. He has worked as a computer programmer, web designer and consultant for over 15 years.

Who knows nothing base Fears nothing known. Owen Meredith
We are but as the instrument of Heaven. Our work is not design but destiny. Owen Meredith
There is nothing certain in a man's life but that he must lose it. Owen Meredith
The man who seeks one thing in life and but one May hope to achieve it before life be done. But he who seeks all things wherever he goes Only reaps from the hopes which around him he sows A harvest of barren regrets. Owen Meredith
Good-humor is goodness and wisdom combined. Owen Meredith
That's best Which God sends. 'Twas His will: it is mine. Owen Meredith